Grayson Utilities Commission
671 South State Hwy 7
Grayson, Kentucky 41143
(606) 474-7569
(606) 474-2662 Fax
Payment of Bills |
- Bills will be mailed out by the Commission the first of each month, and payment must be received by the Commission by the 15th of the month. Payments not received by the 15th of the month shall be subject to a 10% late payment charge.
- The failure to receive a bill in the mail does not relieve the customer of his/her obligation to pay, and to pay on time. A customer not receiving a bill during the first week of any month should notify the Commission business office.
- Any customer whose bill remains unpaid after the 15th of the month shall be sent a cut-off notice, which will state the date after which service will be terminated if payment is not received. If the service is disconnected, the applicable service charges and/or reconnection fees will apply.
- Payment may be made by means of a debit/credit card at the office location or online with a $1.50 convenience charge added, ACH automatic withdrawal from checking account without fees (preferred method), or a first-party check/money order made payable to the Commission for the exact amount of the bill. If a check is used as payment and the check is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds, the customer will be sent a notice stating the date after which service will be terminated if payment is not received. If the returned check was given in payment to avoid disconnect, services may be disconnected without any notice. Repayment for the amount of the check along with a $50.00 processing fee must be made in cash. If the service is disconnected, the applicable service charges and/or reconnection fees will also apply. If a customer develops a history of returned checks, he/she may be placed on a "cash-only" basis by the Commission and future checks will not be accepted as payment of bills.
- No two-party checks will be accepted by the Commission, except for state and federal government checks which may be cashed upon the discretion of the Commission after proper identification is provided by the customer.
- The property owner shall be responsible for payment of any bill. In the event a renter leaves without paying a bill then the owner of the property itself shall be ultimately responsible for the bill (Ordinance 12-2003).