Grayson Utilities Commission
671 South State Hwy 7
Grayson, Kentucky 41143
(606) 474-7569
(606) 474-2662 Fax
Measuring Customer Service |
- All gas, water and sanitary sewer service shall be rendered on a metered basis, as follows:
- Gas Service - Gas service will be provided on a metered basis to any location within the natural gas service area of the Commission in accordance with the current rate ordinance(s) of the City of Grayson and all rules, regulations and customary practices of the Commission and upon payment of the appropriate connection fees and deposits.
- Water Service - Water service will be provided on a metered basis to any location within the water service area of the Commission where waterlines exist in size and capacity capable of supplying the needs of the applicant in accordance with the current rate ordinance(s) of the City of Grayson and all rules, regulations and customary practices of the Commission and upon payment of the appropriate connection fees and deposits.
- Sewer Service - Sanitary sewer service will be provided on a metered basis (based on 100% of water consumption) to any location within the sanitary sewer service area of the Commission where sanitary sewer lines exist in size and capacity capable of supplying the needs of the applicant in accordance with the current rate ordinance(s) of the City of Grayson and all rules, regulations and customary practices of the Commission and upon payment of the appropriate connection fees and deposits.
- Customers having facilities that require the use of potable water with no discharge of wastewater to the sanitary sewer system may make application, along with payment of the appropriate tap-on/connection fees and deposits, for a separate water meter to supply water to such facilities. Upon a determination by the Commission that no possibility exists that any part of the wastewater from a potable water service line will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system, the Commission may provide a water service line for “water only” service. Should a customer decide at a later date to discharge any portion of the water to the sanitary sewer system, sewer charges will be billed at that time for 100% of the water consumption in accordance with the current rate ordinance(s) of the City of Grayson.
- All Metering equipment is owned by the Commission unless a written contractual agreement specifically states otherwise, and it is wrongful for any person to attempt to operate or regulate this equipment. Any tampering with the Commission's metering or service equipment or with the seals affixed thereto shall subject the offending party to penalties, including possible criminal prosecution and/or permanent discontinuance of service.
- All meters, service connections and other equipment furnished by the Commission shall be and remain the property of the Commission. The customer shall provide a space for and exercise proper care to protect the property of the Commission on his/her premises; and in the event of loss or damage to Grayson Utility Commission property arising from neglect of the customer to care for same, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacements shall be paid by the customer.
- Identified employees of the Commission shall have access to the customer's premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, testing, repairing, removing or exchanging any or all equipment belonging to the Commission.
- All meters are read and billed separately, and each metering point shall be regarded as a separate service.
- Meter readings taken at separate points shall not be combined for the purpose of obtaining a lower rate.
- No sub-metering or resale of service is permitted without special contractual arrangements.